Toushou Daimos Episode 3

Toushou Daimos

Other Name: Toushou Daimos, Daimos, Generał Daimos, Fighting General Daimos, Fighting King Daimos, Daimos, Starbirds, Battle Commander Daimos, 闘将ダイモス

Summary: The third of Tadao Nagahama’s Romance Super Robot Trilogy. (#1: Chou Denji Robo Combattler V, #2: Chou Denji Machine Voltes V)

After the destruction of their home world, the survivors of the planet Barm head toward Earth with the goal of negotiating the purchase of land to emigrate to. Unfortunately, during the negotiations, the Barmian’s leader, Leon, is assassinated by his second in command, Olban, and the delegation from Earth is framed for the murder. In the ensuing chaos, Doctor Isamu…Continue reading

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