Rozen Maiden: Träumend (Dub) Episode 11
Rozen Maiden: Träumend (Dub)
Other Name: Rozen Maiden: Träumend, Rozen Maiden 2, ローゼンメイデン トロイメント
Summary: As the story of Rozen Maiden closes, a new chapter begins in Rozen Maiden: Träumend. Shinku and the other sentient dolls of the Rozen Maiden collection are living life as usual at Jun Sakurada’s house. Having settled into his role as Shinku’s partner in the deadly Alice Game, Jun overcomes his former fears and prepares to return to school. And although Shinku and the other dolls idly pass the days by in the comfort of Jun’s home, dark times lie ahead as a new foe presents herself: Barasuishou, the seventh Rozen Maiden.
But Barasuishou is a mystery even…Continue reading