Rozen Maiden (2013) (Dub) Episode 3
Rozen Maiden (2013) (Dub)
Other Name: Rozen Maiden: Zurückspulen, ローゼンメイデン (2013)
Summary: During the events of the original Rozen Maiden, after circling “yes” on a paper and agreeing to wind an unknown “something,” a traumatized Jun Sakurada fights alongside the lifelike dolls known as the Rozen Maidens. But what would have happened if Jun had circled “no”?
Jun, having gotten over his school trauma from his younger days, spends his time attending college and working in a bookstore. However, he does not feel as though he belongs anywhere. One day, he finds a book containing instructions on how to make a Rozen Maiden. Mysteriously, when he arrives home that night, the…Continue reading