Ninja Nonsense (Dub) Episode 4

Ninja Nonsense (Dub)

Other Name: Ninja Nonsense, 2×2=Shinobuden, 2×2 Shinobuden, 2 X 2 = The Legend of Shinobu, Ninin ga Shinobuden: The Nonsense Kunoichi Fiction, Nin x Nin = Shinobuden, ニニンがシノブ伝

Summary: Kaede is a normal school girl who was studying for her exams for school when suddenly she is interrupted by Shinobu, a girl who is a ninja-in-training, attempting to complete her exam. The problem is, in order for her to successfully complete her exam, she must steal one of Kaede`s panties!

In Kaede`s attempt to stop Shinobu from stealing her panties, an unexpected friendship is forged between the two. Kaede soon becomes engrossed in Shinobu`s world, surrounded…Continue reading

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