Lupin III Series 2 Episode 105

Lupin III Series 2

Other Name: Lupin III: Part II, Rupan Sansei: Part II, Shin Lupin III, Lupin III: Greatest Capers, 新・ルパン三世

Summary: Arsène Lupine III is the grandson of super thief Arsène Lupine and is known as the world’s greatest super thief, Lupine is known for his way of acting that sends a warning card to the owner every time he wants to steal something precious. Accompanying Lupine as Lupin’s partner and longtime best friend, Daisuke Jigen, Jigen is a good gunner when he can hit his target in a 0.3 second interval. Whether Lupine and Jigen are active in a group of two, usually they go with Goemon Ishikawa XIII, a great swordsman who can cut anything, and…Continue reading

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