Welcome to the NHK (Dub) Episode 13

Welcome to the NHK (Dub)

Other Name: NHK ni Youkoso!, Welcome to the N.H.K., Welcome to the NHK, N・H・Kにようこそ!

Summary: The story revolves around Sato Tatsuhiro, a college dropout who identifies himself as a hikikomori, just hanging out in a room with only six mats. Every day, he only goes out twice to buy food and beer with money from his parents. 4 years passed, as if he only knew about games, manga, anime, then suddenly he thought about his life. A guy with no job, just lying to his parents to get benefits, sooner or later he will run out of money. Suddenly, a missionary came to his house. He opened the door and saw a mission book about hikikomori evils in Japan.
* Hikikomori:…Continue reading

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