Anime Information
Welcome to the NHK (Dub)

Welcome to the NHK (Dub) 8.34

Other Name: NHK ni Youkoso!, Welcome to the N.H.K., Welcome to the NHK, N・H・Kにようこそ!

Summary: The story revolves around Sato Tatsuhiro, a college dropout who identifies himself as a hikikomori, just hanging out in a room with only six mats. Every day, he only goes out twice to buy food and beer with money from his parents. 4 years passed, as if he only knew about games, manga, anime, then suddenly he thought about his life. A guy with no job, just lying to his parents to get benefits, sooner or later he will run out of money. Suddenly, a missionary came to his house. He opened the door and saw a mission book about hikikomori evils in Japan. * Hikikomori: Those who confine themselves in their homes and have not communicated with anyone outside their family. Continuously for six months called hikikomori by the Japanese government.

Welcome to the NHK (Dub)