Anime Information
Xamd Lost Memories

Xamd Lost Memories 7.69

Other Name: Bounen no Xamdou, Xam'd: Lost Memories, Bonen no Xamdou, Bonen no Zamudo, Bounen no Zamudo, Bounen no Zamned, 亡念のザムド

Summary: Enter Sentan, a lush, tranquil island encased in war between the military and those with Hiruko, known as X’amd. On one of these warlike days, Akiyuki Takehara heads off to school and gets caught in a raid by the creatures. Through a series of events he is transformed into a X’amd, and with the help of a Tessikan woman Nakiami along with his highschool friend Haru, Akiyuki is forced to learn to live with the Hiruko or faces the danger of losing his self-control and turn to stone. The story follows a boy named Akiyuki who is heading to school with two friends when an explosion occurs. In the mysterious light from the explosion, Akiyuki transforms into a creature called Xam’d. Xam’d goes on a rampage which is only stopped when a red-haired foreign girl appears.

Xamd Lost Memories