Rozen Maiden Traumend 7.66
Other Name: Rozen Maiden: Träumend, Rozen Maiden 2, ローゼンメイデン トロイメント
Summary: The second TV series featuring Rosen Maiden, which had not appeared in the previous work. Jun Sakurada is busy with his own studies in the library, making up for lost time while he has confined himself to his home. Meanwhile, the doll Rozen Maiden herself, Shinku, has had troubling dreams. The pain and sadness of defeating Suiginto is overwhelming, despite the inevitable battles they waged. After waking up suddenly from a nightmare, she finds Suiginto's fellow spirit wandering; while chasing, she discovered that Saturday Doll - Barasuishou - had awakened. Now that she realizes that Suiginto's fate is likely to happen to another Dolls, the arrival of the dolls finally heralds the beginning of the end of the Alice game.