Natsume Yuujinchou 8.34
Watch Natsume Yuujinchou at KissAnime Other Name: Reiko Natsume was disliked by humans because she could see spirits. Perhaps because of the loneliness, she challenged the youths to write their names as proof that they would be slaved. Her grandson, Takashi Natsume, who got the bundle of contracts, "Friend's Book", also succeeded to Reiko's power and was able to see things that no one else could. And, like Reiko, he was also alienated from the surroundings. However, he cherishes what Reiko, the only blood relative has left behind. He is determined to free the spirits and dissolve the contracts. With the help of a spirit cat, his days are filled trying to return the names to these spirits.
HashTags: #also succeeded to Reikos power and was able to see things that no one else couldAnd, #he cherishes what Reiko, #he was also alienated from the surroundings.
However, #he was also alienated from the surroundingsHowever, #his days are filled trying to return the names to these spirits | natsume yuujinchou, #his days are filled trying to return the names to these spirits., #Natsume Yuujinchou, #Reiko Natsume was disliked by humans because she could see spirits.
Perhaps because of the loneliness, #Reiko Natsume was disliked by humans because she could see spiritsPerhaps because of the loneliness, #she challenged the youths to write their names as proof that they would be slaved.
Her grandson, #she challenged the youths to write their names as proof that they would be slavedHer grandson, #Summer 2008, #the only blood relative has left behind He is determined to free the spirits and dissolve the contracts With the help of a spirit cat, #who got the bundle of contracts