Mind Game 7.80
Other Name: Mindgame, マインド・ゲーム
Summary: Nishi, an awkward young manga artist in Osaka, has had on longstanding crush on Myon. Thing is, Myon`s got a thing for rugged Ryo. Matters come to a head at her sister Yan`s yakitori restaurant, in the presence of the girl`s dissolute father — who happens to owe a bunch of money to a pair of creepy gangsters, who`ve come to collect. Things get ugly, and Nishi gets killed in a brutal, graphic fashion. End of the story? No way, that`s just the start. Pulling a fast one on God (in all his/her/its infinite manifestations), Nishi hightails it back to Earth, where he replays the crime to his advantage, steals a car and grabs the girls. Under a hail of yakuza gunfire, he bails off a bridge — and into the mouth of a whale. There, he and his two female companions encounter a tenacious and lively old man who has set up camp in the beast`s belly, longing to someday return to human company on dry land. With no immediate exit available, the quartet make do — fishing, fighting, making love, weaving tales of strange happenings on faraway planets and dreaming of life in the real world. Will they ever set foot there again?