Initial D: Second Stage 8.13
Other Name: Initial D Second Stage, 頭文字〈イニシャル〉D SECOND STAGE
Summary: Takumi, who won the battle with a famous runner and became known as "Akina's 86", gradually awakened to the charm of running. However, Takumi's transcendental technique is pushing the limits of the machine, which will lead to tragedy .... Following his victory over RedSuns leader Ryosuke Takahashi, AE86 driver Takumi Fujiwara is challenged by the Lancer EVO-based "Emperor," a group known for taking decals of racing teams they defeat, cutting them up and placing them on their cars like a fighter plane kill board. Takumi's undefeated streak is on the line as his AE86 is virtually no match against the more powerful and more agile four-wheel-drive EVOs of the Emperor team.