Anime Information

Eromanga-sensei 6.55

Other Name: Eromanga Sensei, エロマンガ先生

Summary: The anime series revolves around the life of Izumi Masamune, a high school student and light novel writer. One day, he discovers that his sister (not of the same bloodline) - Izumi Sagiri, who has been hiding in a room, having no social contact for years - is the artist who has drawn sexy illustrations for the stories he write. Masamune collaborates with an illustrator called Eromanga Sensei, who works remotely and has never met Masamune or the editorial department. One day Masamune watched a stream of Eromanga Sensei, but finally Eromanga Sensei forgot to turn off the camera! Masamune then saw a familiar food tray in the background - the food Masamune made for Sagiri. Masamune ran upstairs and banged on Sagiri's door. She finally opened the door for him - for the first time in nearly a year - asking why Masamune was banging on the door like that. The two began to talk and Sagiri admitted to being Eromanga Sensei, while Masamune confessed to being the author behind the Silverwolf of Reincarnation. This revelation changed fate, and they worked together to produce the best light novels. And the troubled life between Masamune, his sister and the other authors begins.
