Anime Information
Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season

Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season 8.35

Other Name: My Hero Academia 3, 僕のヒーローアカデミア 3rdシーズン

Summary: Deku enrolled in the prestigious Yuei High School, which produces heroes. He spent every day working hard to enhance each other with his classmates. A big event "Yuei Sports Festival" where students of Yuei High School collide with each other. "Work experience" to hone their skills under a professional hero, a death battle with "hero killing" Stain, a battle with almite in the final test, and an enemy (Villain) Encounter with the union's death pattern Kisuke ... Deku boldly confronts the challenges that are imposed one after another, aiming to become a hero. On the other hand, Death Pattern Tree and the almighty nemesis All for One also increased their companions and inflated their malice. Deku's path to becoming the best hero and the battle with his enemies (villains) will continue to accelerate!

Boku no Hero Academia 3rd Season