Anime Information
Bobs Burgers – Season 1

Bobs Burgers – Season 1 8.1

Other Name: Bob`s Burgers, Bobu0027s Burgers

Summary: Bob Belcher, a father with bad luck, runs his Burger restaurant with his three mischievous children and his wife, Linda. Gene, the only son, is eleven and will do anything for anything to nothing. Tina, the eldest, who is 13, is lost looking for a love that always seems to come to Jimmy Pesto Jr, the son of Bobs competition restaurant owner. And the youngest child, Louise, is a crazy, power-loving, somewhat-creepy little 9 year-old girl. Linda is a singer, and always has a glass of wine in her hand. Even with the crazy events going on, Bob and his family always pull through and it always has hilarious results.

Bobs Burgers – Season 1