Dirty Pair Episode 13

Dirty Pair

Other Name: Dirty Pair, ダーティペア

Summary: The semi-coherent story of a pair of teenage intergalactic private eyes, “Kei” and “Yuri”. Their code name is “Lovely Angels,” but they’re better known – universe-wide, in fact – as the “Dirty Pair”. Their arrival at the scene of a mystery is always a source of hope and dread, since: 1) they always solve the case, 2) wherever they go, something get… more The semi-coherent story of a pair of teenage intergalactic private eyes, “Kei” and “Yuri”.

Their code name is “Lovely Angels,” but they’re better known – universe-wide, in fact – as the “Dirty Pair”. Their arrival [Readmore…]at…Continue reading

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