Chouon Senshi Borgman Episode 1

Chouon Senshi Borgman

Other Name: Sonic Soldier Borgman, 超音戦士ボーグマン

Summary: Sonic Soldier Borgman is a science fiction that comebines super sentai with non-gattai. It features a sentai-like three members team that fight an organization known as Youma. Features three characters with three basic ranger colors: Pink, Blue and Green. Featuring three main characters: Chuck, Ryo and Anise, Ryo is the leader, Chuck and Anise are teachers at a public school. Sometimes, the students help or make troubles to the Borgman somehow, some even know the Borgman secret identities. Ryo has a talking “modern” blue motorcycle that can upgrade itself. The transformation code is “Borg….Continue reading

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